Don't get me wrong, I certainly enjoy listening to the stuff (I mean who doesn't?). I am aware of most of the major bands and artists throughout the Twentieth Century, and my tastes encompass many genres: everything from pop to punk, blues to big band, Sabbath to Sinatra. My involvement in the musical arts have just always been as a more detached and casual observer.
So, Why Create a Blog About 1001 "Must Hear Songs"?
Because I am hoping that this list will help to fill some of the gap in my knowledge of musical pop culture. It is my goal to discover new bands and learn new facts and stories about the individuals who created the songs on the list.
I am a historian at heart, and pop-culture/entertainment history is the area I enjoy studying the most.
Essentially, I want to create this blog in order to share/catalog my thoughts on, not only the music, but also on those who made the songs and why they made them. Music is a powerful tool that can encapsulate the thoughts, mores, and emotions of an entire generation in just a few melodic chords. I plan on understanding the historical influences these tunes had on the music world and on culture as a whole. So, sit back and enjoy this rhythmic romp through time.
How It Will Be Done
- I will try to keep each entry to a maximum length of about a short paragraph. They will hopefully be more akin to musical tweets that to full length blogs.
- I hope to place a link to each song I listen to (if applicable).
- Rating System: Purely for my own amusement. I created four badges that will be given out based on my opinions of each song. I will try to rate the songs more on my listening enjoyment than I will for it's historical significance (although historical significance will have an influence)
Doc's Gold Seal of Approval: This badge is for the songs that I really enjoyed, and even returned to in order to listen again. A Highly Recommended Song.
Worth Hearing: I found this song to be entertaining and enjoyable. It was either a solid representation of its genre or I found it historically interesting/significant enough to recommend.
Not Impressed: I did not find this song enjoyable or interesting. A tedious tune that I do not really recommend.
Garbage: I really did not care for this song. It was the equivalent of stabbing my eardrums with thousands of tiny needles, and about as entertaining as bathing in a grease trap.
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